New city to live in

Template decision · Used 562 times so far · Share: Google+ Facebook Twitter

Feeling like a change of scenery?


What matters to you when choosing

  • Weather
    • Good
    • OK
    • Bad
  • Cost of living
    • Cheap
    • Affordable
    • Expensive
  • Residency permission
    • Certain
    • Uncertain
  • Proximity to family
    • Close
    • Distant
  • Cost of school
    • Cheap
    • Affordable
    • Expensive
  • Public transport
    • Great
    • Good
    • OK
    • Bad


The things you’re choosing between

  • Alternative image. Amsterdam
  • Alternative image. Austin
  • Alternative image. London
  • Alternative image. Melbourne
  • Alternative image. Tel Aviv
  • Alternative image. Wellington

Start by reviewing the criteria according to what matters to you, and update the alternatives – the cities – depending on where you might like to live.

You can edit this template’s criteria and alternatives, as well as add your own.